Saturday, April 16, 2011

Be Love Now

A couple of weeks back I visited B P Gaur Saheb and he gave me a book ‘be love now’ authored by Shri ‘ram dass’ saying perhaps I would like it (he had not read it). Just a photo and a poem below it on the page before ‘contents’ table brought tears of joy in my eyes and gave me a glimpse of love and devotion the author has for his Guru Neem Karoli Baba.

Whole book thereafter is an expression of transforming power of love which Baba had for anyone who came into his vicinity and expression of devotion of the author to his Guru. The book creates a strong longing for devotion (bhakti) of that kind in the reader and may help in further opening of heart in those whose hearts are already open a bit.

The author (an American Jew by birth) having been a professor of psychology at Harvard and having gone through experience of other levels of perception induced by drugs like LSD came to India to find road maps from eastern mystics to other levels at which life exists. He had reservations about Hindu saints but at the very first encounter with Baba and receiving a loving glance from him with total acceptance got him hooked and he became a disciple and a lover for ever – always overwhelmed by universal love of his Guru and transforming power of love.

One also finds of glimpses of understanding of psychology by the author and its fusion into much vaster mystical existence.

I found it so immense and overwhelming that quite frequently tears rolled from my eyes. Having a glimpses of his devotion many a time I felt as if ‘Guru Geeta’ falls short in expression of vastness of Guru.

The message is one that of opening up of heart so as to reach a state of unconditional love for everyone and everything. Now I can look back and find how this book came into my hands. For more than last one year my Guru (Prof. G V Mungale sir) has been telling me that sadhana should be done with love. Love is central to sadhana. And an input was arranged. Mysterious are the ways of the masters!

For a copy of the book one may contact HarperCollins Publishers, 10 East 53rd Street, New York, NY 10022 [].

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