It is everyone's experience that there is a correlation
between physical activity involving deep breathing and better functioning of
The reason behind this is that with each breath one is taking in 'life energy', known as 'PRAN' in spiritual parlance. In absence of physical exercise or deep breathing level of 'life energy' becomes low. When 'life energy' is low, mind gets caught into repetitive thought process or negative emotional state or lethargy. Mind does not have capacity to come out of it and therefore it cannot take on any other task / studies.
Aerobic exercise / deep breathing brings up 'life energy' and mind comes out of repetitive thought process or negative emotional state or lethargy. Mind feels energised and refreshed. It enthusiastically takes on any activity.
Even modern medicine (which has long way to go before it can reach anywhere near what our seers have experienced and expressed) says that mind consumes maximum amount of oxygen. As such to keep it active healthy and active, exercises which result in deep and / or fast breathing will help.
Now what surprises one is that even after experiencing this fact - knowing the wonderful positive effects of exercise - as one rightly observes, mind and body do not feel inclined for it and one needs strong determination and will power to push them through.
Reason for it is that everything in existence is constituted by three GUNAS - 'Satva', 'Rajas' and 'Tamas'. 'Satva' is a quality which manifests in the form of purity, contentment and peace. 'Rajas' makes one action oriented and ambitious. While 'Tamas' takes one into lethargy and emotional states like vengeance, depression, hatred, worry etc. Everyone of us is a mix of all the three GUNAS, of course in different proportions and that is why no two individuals are alike.
So because of presence of 'Tamas' (which manifests as laziness) one does not feel like going for exercise even though one is fully aware of its benefits.
Exercises involving deep / fast breathing, pranayams and meditations slowly but surely reduce 'Tamas' and increase 'Rajas' and 'Satva'. So these will help remove lethargy in the long run on somewhat permanent basis - by nature one would be free of lethargy or negative mental states.
As an immediate solution, as OSHO used to suggest, just stretching one's limbs (hands legs, back, stomach and facial muscles etc - jise angdai lena kehate hain) for about 1 to 2 minutes, while one is still in the bed, will break lethargy and one can easily go for exercises / work out.
If one continues to lie in the bed even when one has woken up, goes to increase 'Tamas' and consequently laziness. As such stretching in the bed (angdai lena) and getting up immediately thereafter is a simple and effective remedy in the short run.
Thank you Mr. Kumar.