Sunday, July 8, 2012

Sukh mein sumiran jo kare

When one is struck by grief (caused by loss of something or someone, one is attached to; hatred; fear etc.), life energy comes down. One goes into depression.

Negative emotions are something like holes in a pot containing water - pot soon becomes empty.

In that situation one does not have minimum threshold of life energy necessary to come out of that depression. Any amount of understanding of spiritual concepts through conscious mind does not help. Even when one is convinced of sadhana, mun does not have capacity to undertake any form of sadhana - it does not stay with anything except the grief.

In that state, blessing of a Guru may also not work in the short run. Many a Guru discourage / refuse meeting such a person knowing that it will not work.

Normally one remembers GOD in the state of grief (Dukh mein sumiran sab karein). But in that state one is not in a position to sustain the effort and fails.

It is therefore necessary that one makes serious efforts for one's evolution when one is in happier state - state of sukh. As they say 'make hay when sun shines'.

By undertaking sadhana at a time when as a consequence of unfolding of good karmas all is well, one attains to higher level of consciousness - higher level of life energy. And, as mentioned in some of my earlier posts, in that state one's level of acceptance goes up. Either of the choices in a given situation appear to acceptable. And therefore a situation which is normally perceived by others as unacceptable and unpleasant, may not affect him - he not having strong preferences or prejudices for or against anything or anyone.

In due course when negative karmas unfold into seemingly unpleasant situations, even if one is affected, one is not bogged down by them. One is equipped to maintain equanimity and equipoise.

This concept is beautifully put in an oft repeated DOHA :

"Dukh mein sumiran sab karein, sukh mein kare naa koye;

Remember HIM in good times and be equipped to face the change of cycle!

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