Very next month on a Saturday (June 2006), Aspatwarji asked me if I were free and that he wanted to take me to a Guru (Moksha Guru referred to in first Para of preceding post). He did not tell me anything about the Guru. My wife and daughter also accompanied me. From a shop near the place of Guruji, we took some flowers for offering at his feet. After the usual prostration, we sat comfortably before Guruji (Shri Prahalad Shetty).
He asked me, “Have you seen yourself?” I did not understand what he meant by that. After a while he clarified what he meant was whether I ever moved out of my body and saw my own body from outside (out of body experience). I said, “No.” He then asked if I would like to see myself that way. I replied in the affirmative. While replying I was thinking that if I can be out of my body and see it, then I will experientially (otherwise we know it only theoretically) know that I exist even without this body and this experience may help break strong identification with body and mind.
Next question he put to me was, “Would you like to meet ghosts?” After thinking for a couple of seconds I again replied in the affirmative. In that time I was thinking that as of now I do not fear anything but if ghost appears, it will invoke fear in me. But if I meet the ghosts consciously through some spiritual practice, being mentally prepared, expecting it and with the support of Guruji, I will be rid of this fear as well.
He then said that next Saturday is very auspicious for initiation on account of a rare combination of stars and that I should come that day. I went to Guruji that day and he gave me a Mantra from Atharvaveda to be chanted for a duration of 7 to 20 minutes twice or so a day. He also gave me a little Kesar and Kasturi. Kesar was to be put in warm water for taking bath in the night before going to sleep and Kasturi was to be applied after the bath.
I did so and was expecting to see the Ghosts that night. But nothing happened. After a couple of days I was chanting the Mantra and experienced very pleasing fragrance. I looked around to see if someone has put on some perfume but there was none and there was no smell. I again started chanting Mantra and again that fragrance was there.
About the process of out of body experience he explained it to me in a very simple way. What he said was that Jeeva is trapped in this body constituted of five elements (earth, water, fire, air and space). If one masters these five elements, one would be free from their captivity. He further explained that Atharvaveda has Mantras for each of the elements which enable a practitioner to be free from their captivity. He gave me Mantra for mastering the element ‘earth’ in the first instance to be followed by Mantras for water, fire, air and space, in that order (gross to subtle).
Later, reflecting back I found that the desire for having ‘out of body experience’ was subtly implanted in me long back while reading a book by a disciple of Shri Aurobindo (book discusses this phenomena in great details) and this desire may have further been strengthened and the desire for meeting ‘ghosts’ may have been put in me while I was with Sadguru Jaggi Vasudeva (he used to narrate some instances of such happenings during his courses which I had attended). Though these thoughts were not on my mind at that time, these desires hidden even from me in that moment were surely seen by him and that is why he spoke of only these two when I met him first. With others, he usually talked about health and material things in life.
When Guru speaks of a matter which is central to the disciple (even if one is not conscious of it at that time), one finds oneself connected to the Guru - one gets hooked. Thereafter, I started visiting Guruji every week or fortnight. He gave me other Mantras from time to time without telling me the purpose. I also did not ask because if it were necessary for me to know, he would have told me.
Many people used to visit him and ask about what is going to happen in their lives with reference to specific issues relating to material world (getting a child, health problems, getting a job, improvement of a relationship or business, resolution of court cases etc.). He used to tell them something like, “Do not ask me about what is going to happen, ask me what you want. I will give that to you. This place is like a garage where vehicles are ‘repaired’.”
Slowly I came to know that he is a Tantrik and that he himself mainly does work relating to diagnosis of problems and giving Diksha for spiritual evolution of his disciples. As for the ‘repair’ work, it is entrusted to Tantriks who are mainly based in Kerala on payment basis. The payment, he explained, is necessary as the families of Tantriks survive on that. They have no other source of income.
His abilities to see the physiological problems such as parameters used in medical diagnosis (blood count, sugar, cholesterol level, sperm count etc.) and damage to internal organs (like spleen, liver, kidney, heart etc.) is astounding. Once he explained it to me that Atharvaveda has Mantras for each organ of the body. And broadly speaking what he does is to direct the Mantra to a particular organ, if there is a problem there, Mantra gets absorbed and does not come back. Otherwise it comes back to him.
Sitting before him often, I got convinced that when we take external assistance of doctors (and do not leave things to our fate) for treatment of an ailment (using different systems of medicines and therapies like Alopathic, Homeopathic, Ayurvedic systems of medicines as also crystal therapy, magnets, wearing stones, Rickey, Pranik Healing etc.), if Mantra can do the same thing, why not to make use of it.
He could know the health problems even if the person concerned was not before him and even when the person asking the question himself was not aware of the problem of person concerned. So it is not even a case where he reads the mind of the person sitting before him. It is much deeper than that.
To give an example, once one of my colleagues who had some health problem (fluctuating blood pressure – sometimes it used to shoot up and some time it came much below the normal) and who knew the efficacy of Tantra Sadhana asked me to find out if he could be helped. I just told Guruji that one of my colleague working at such and such place is having some health problem (I had not even mentioned name of my colleague and I did not have his photograph either) and Guruji started telling, “Yes there is problem with formation of blood cells from the bone marrow leading to fluctuating blood pressure and that his thighs are shrinking and when he has acidity, he shakes his hands.” Now I knew about blood pressure but not about shrinkage of thighs and shaking of hands. Sitting before Guruji I rang up my friend and he confirmed what was told by Guruji.
Scriptures say that ONE manifests in many forms and that forms are mere illusions, realty is one. Guru, being one with the whole, can access any form and know its past present and future – for him everything is here and now – no past, present and future. Time and space are creation of mind alone. When one experiences the reality beyond time and space, everything is found to exist simultaneously.
There are also persons with specific Siddhies (not being realized masters). They may perhaps be something like hackers who can merely gain access to information in other computer systems.
One more thing Guruji told me once was that if one has Punya Karmas to one’s credit but there are some obstacles (Paap Karmas – adverse impact of planets), it is an easy job for a Tantrik to remove the obstacle and then one would reap the benefits of one’s Punya Karmas. But creation of something positive to help a person is very difficult as it involves great effort by Tantriks and its cost may be prohibitive. He gave an illustration by saying that it is easy to get a scavenging work done for a small cost and so many persons are available to do that job but renovation of house is an expert job and costs involved are high.
I once showed him photograph of my brother and his son who were not doing too well financially. He told me that nothing can be done in their cases as they have no Punyas in store. He also added that any financial assistance to such persons from others also does not help them, it goes down like things go in a bottomless pit.
Being convinced of efficacy of Tantra in resolution of worldly problems (with limitations as aforesaid), I recommended this option to many. Many got what they wanted (a child, marriage to a particular person, transfer, winning a hopeless court case etc.) – there were also a few cases where desired result did not materialize (cancer patients, persons with financial problems etc.) but this is so with every other remedy also – one cannot discard it on that ground.
To be contd. …
He asked me, “Have you seen yourself?” I did not understand what he meant by that. After a while he clarified what he meant was whether I ever moved out of my body and saw my own body from outside (out of body experience). I said, “No.” He then asked if I would like to see myself that way. I replied in the affirmative. While replying I was thinking that if I can be out of my body and see it, then I will experientially (otherwise we know it only theoretically) know that I exist even without this body and this experience may help break strong identification with body and mind.
Next question he put to me was, “Would you like to meet ghosts?” After thinking for a couple of seconds I again replied in the affirmative. In that time I was thinking that as of now I do not fear anything but if ghost appears, it will invoke fear in me. But if I meet the ghosts consciously through some spiritual practice, being mentally prepared, expecting it and with the support of Guruji, I will be rid of this fear as well.
He then said that next Saturday is very auspicious for initiation on account of a rare combination of stars and that I should come that day. I went to Guruji that day and he gave me a Mantra from Atharvaveda to be chanted for a duration of 7 to 20 minutes twice or so a day. He also gave me a little Kesar and Kasturi. Kesar was to be put in warm water for taking bath in the night before going to sleep and Kasturi was to be applied after the bath.
I did so and was expecting to see the Ghosts that night. But nothing happened. After a couple of days I was chanting the Mantra and experienced very pleasing fragrance. I looked around to see if someone has put on some perfume but there was none and there was no smell. I again started chanting Mantra and again that fragrance was there.
About the process of out of body experience he explained it to me in a very simple way. What he said was that Jeeva is trapped in this body constituted of five elements (earth, water, fire, air and space). If one masters these five elements, one would be free from their captivity. He further explained that Atharvaveda has Mantras for each of the elements which enable a practitioner to be free from their captivity. He gave me Mantra for mastering the element ‘earth’ in the first instance to be followed by Mantras for water, fire, air and space, in that order (gross to subtle).
Later, reflecting back I found that the desire for having ‘out of body experience’ was subtly implanted in me long back while reading a book by a disciple of Shri Aurobindo (book discusses this phenomena in great details) and this desire may have further been strengthened and the desire for meeting ‘ghosts’ may have been put in me while I was with Sadguru Jaggi Vasudeva (he used to narrate some instances of such happenings during his courses which I had attended). Though these thoughts were not on my mind at that time, these desires hidden even from me in that moment were surely seen by him and that is why he spoke of only these two when I met him first. With others, he usually talked about health and material things in life.
When Guru speaks of a matter which is central to the disciple (even if one is not conscious of it at that time), one finds oneself connected to the Guru - one gets hooked. Thereafter, I started visiting Guruji every week or fortnight. He gave me other Mantras from time to time without telling me the purpose. I also did not ask because if it were necessary for me to know, he would have told me.
Many people used to visit him and ask about what is going to happen in their lives with reference to specific issues relating to material world (getting a child, health problems, getting a job, improvement of a relationship or business, resolution of court cases etc.). He used to tell them something like, “Do not ask me about what is going to happen, ask me what you want. I will give that to you. This place is like a garage where vehicles are ‘repaired’.”
Slowly I came to know that he is a Tantrik and that he himself mainly does work relating to diagnosis of problems and giving Diksha for spiritual evolution of his disciples. As for the ‘repair’ work, it is entrusted to Tantriks who are mainly based in Kerala on payment basis. The payment, he explained, is necessary as the families of Tantriks survive on that. They have no other source of income.
His abilities to see the physiological problems such as parameters used in medical diagnosis (blood count, sugar, cholesterol level, sperm count etc.) and damage to internal organs (like spleen, liver, kidney, heart etc.) is astounding. Once he explained it to me that Atharvaveda has Mantras for each organ of the body. And broadly speaking what he does is to direct the Mantra to a particular organ, if there is a problem there, Mantra gets absorbed and does not come back. Otherwise it comes back to him.
Sitting before him often, I got convinced that when we take external assistance of doctors (and do not leave things to our fate) for treatment of an ailment (using different systems of medicines and therapies like Alopathic, Homeopathic, Ayurvedic systems of medicines as also crystal therapy, magnets, wearing stones, Rickey, Pranik Healing etc.), if Mantra can do the same thing, why not to make use of it.
He could know the health problems even if the person concerned was not before him and even when the person asking the question himself was not aware of the problem of person concerned. So it is not even a case where he reads the mind of the person sitting before him. It is much deeper than that.
To give an example, once one of my colleagues who had some health problem (fluctuating blood pressure – sometimes it used to shoot up and some time it came much below the normal) and who knew the efficacy of Tantra Sadhana asked me to find out if he could be helped. I just told Guruji that one of my colleague working at such and such place is having some health problem (I had not even mentioned name of my colleague and I did not have his photograph either) and Guruji started telling, “Yes there is problem with formation of blood cells from the bone marrow leading to fluctuating blood pressure and that his thighs are shrinking and when he has acidity, he shakes his hands.” Now I knew about blood pressure but not about shrinkage of thighs and shaking of hands. Sitting before Guruji I rang up my friend and he confirmed what was told by Guruji.
Scriptures say that ONE manifests in many forms and that forms are mere illusions, realty is one. Guru, being one with the whole, can access any form and know its past present and future – for him everything is here and now – no past, present and future. Time and space are creation of mind alone. When one experiences the reality beyond time and space, everything is found to exist simultaneously.
There are also persons with specific Siddhies (not being realized masters). They may perhaps be something like hackers who can merely gain access to information in other computer systems.
One more thing Guruji told me once was that if one has Punya Karmas to one’s credit but there are some obstacles (Paap Karmas – adverse impact of planets), it is an easy job for a Tantrik to remove the obstacle and then one would reap the benefits of one’s Punya Karmas. But creation of something positive to help a person is very difficult as it involves great effort by Tantriks and its cost may be prohibitive. He gave an illustration by saying that it is easy to get a scavenging work done for a small cost and so many persons are available to do that job but renovation of house is an expert job and costs involved are high.
I once showed him photograph of my brother and his son who were not doing too well financially. He told me that nothing can be done in their cases as they have no Punyas in store. He also added that any financial assistance to such persons from others also does not help them, it goes down like things go in a bottomless pit.
Being convinced of efficacy of Tantra in resolution of worldly problems (with limitations as aforesaid), I recommended this option to many. Many got what they wanted (a child, marriage to a particular person, transfer, winning a hopeless court case etc.) – there were also a few cases where desired result did not materialize (cancer patients, persons with financial problems etc.) but this is so with every other remedy also – one cannot discard it on that ground.
To be contd. …
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